The Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at Iowa State University has a rich history. To celebrate that rich history, the department has established two alumni recognitions: Hall of Fame and Distinguished Alumni. This document provides the framework for those recognitions.

  • Hall of Fame

    The Hall of Fame is a lifetime achievement award and is reserved for those that stand above the rest in their chosen field. Their accomplishments are marked by outstanding and consistent national and potentially international recognition in professional achievement and service. The awardee should be known for their preeminent leadership or far-reaching impact on the profession. They may have received high recognition (professional/civic awards and commendations) from regional or national organizations outside of their own company/institution.

  • Distinguished Alumni

    The Distinguished Alumni is for alumni who have significant professional achievement and service in their chosen field. The awardee could be acknowledged for a very successful career or could be a young alumnus who is clearly having an impact beyond their age. The awardee could be strong leader in their company/institution, such as a person that was a significant contributor to the growth and/or reputation of their company/institution.

Criteria for Membership

For the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering (CCEE) Hall of Fame and Distinguished Alumni, an alumnus will be evaluated on:

  1. Professional Achievement,
  2. Service to the Profession, Community, and/or CCEE Department, and a
  3. High degree of character and integrity.

For the Hall of Fame or Distinguished Alumni recognitions:

  • An alumnus must have a degree or certificate from the Department of Civil, Construction or Environmental Engineering at Iowa State University granted at least 15 (fifteen) years prior to deadline for nomination.
  • A person can be recognized in the Hall of Fame without being recognized as a Distinguished Alumni.
  • A person who is not an alumni may be considered for honorary recognition in the Hall of Fame if they have had a profound impact on the CCEE Department that is well beyond the impact of others in addition to meeting the Hall of Fame
  • Non-alumni are not eligible to be a Distinguished Alumni.

Nomination of Candidates

Nominations to the Hall of Fame or Distinguished Alumni must be submitted by August 1 of each year for induction the following year. Nominations can come from anyone; Nominators are not required to be alumni. Nominations are submitted via the department website’s Nomination Form.

Evaluation of Nominees and Selection of Inductees

A Recognition Committee consisting of members of the Department’s advisory councils will evaluate nominees on behalf of the CCEE Department. The Committee will have discretion to determine the number of deserving honorees in consultation with the Department Chair and the Construction Engineering Professor-in-Charge.

Hall of Fame membership would be in the order of 2 to 3 per year while the Distinguished Alumni could be 6 per year, but these are not fixed numbers and can vary. There may be years when no one is elected. The membership of the Hall of Fame and Distinguished Alumni should reflect the graduates of the department.

The Recognition Committee will be composed of:

  • Three members of each of the Department’s advisory councils (two council members and one executive council member),
  • CCEE Department Chair and the Professor-in-Charge of Construction Engineering, and
  • Two current Hall of Fame members (one from Civil Engineering and one from Construction Engineering).

The three members of each advisory council shall be appointed by the respective advisory council. The committee chair shall be appointed from the recognition committee membership by the CCEE Department Chair in consultation with the Professor-in-Charge.

The following process will be used for the selection of members for the Hall of Fame or as a Distinguished Alumni.

  1. Each year the Recognition Committee will evaluate nominees and recommend to the department the inductees by a unanimous decision of the committee members.
  2. The advisory council leadership will review the recommended nominees for approval and, if needed, provide input for further discussion by the Recognition Committee.
  3. The Department Chair and the Professor-in-Charge will consult with each other and the university and approve the slate of nominees for induction into the Hall of Fame and as a Distinguished Alumni.
  4. At the fall meeting of the advisory councils, the relevant advisory council will confirm each nominee by a vote during the meeting. A positive vote of three quarter (75%) of all council members voting is required for induction into the Hall of Fame or as a Distinguished Alumni.

Recognition of Hall of Fame and Distinguished Alumni Inductees

  • Notification of the confirmed inductees will be done by Department Chair after the fall meetings.
  • The confirmed inductees will be publicly honored at an appropriate event, such as the annual banquets. Recognition will be provided on the Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering Hall of Fame or Distinguished Alumni Displays in Town Engineering Building and each inductee will be presented with a commemorative plaque. Additional details on the inductees will be provided on the department’s website.