CCEE Distinguished Alumni

National leadership and influence in the concrete industry, construction law, and the engineering profession

Inducted 2021

Jeff Coleman received his Iowa State University BS’76 and MS’77 degrees in civil engineering. Approximately seven years after receiving his MS engineering degree, Coleman earned his Juris Doctorate at William Mitchell College of Law. Eventually, both disciplines allowed Coleman to further his interest in improving the important concrete industry. His contributions and impact have been notable.

Initially Coleman started working in the concrete industry while at Iowa State University, researching the fatigue of concrete pavements funded by the Iowa Department of Transportation. After graduating with his law degree, he started practicing law. The combination of his technical background and law degree has served the industry well. Coleman has authored or co-authored over 22 publications in topics including law, concrete industry and concrete research.

Coleman is one of two Iowa State graduates to have held the role of president of the American Concrete Institute (ACI). He has held many other positions in ACI, including chair of the ACI Foundation, member of the board of directors, and chair of the committee that wrote the document on responsibility in concrete construction.

In January of 2020, Coleman was recognized as one of four individuals as the “most influential people in the concrete industry” by Concrete Construction Magazine. His work is widely recognized from his 40 years in the industry.